As of July 1, 2012, I began serving as your OTAC President. It has been a smooth transition, thanks to the mentoring providing by the outgoing president, Shawn Phipps and our terrific leadership team. However, I realized that my preparation for this leadership role began much earlier, as an occupational therapy student. The developmental process was initiated at that time, with the values of professionalism and life-long learning instilled, and progressing from entry-level practitioner through 30+ years and continuing today. I am proud to be an occupational therapist and to serve as your president. Let me know what you would like to hear about OTAC and our activities, as well as how best we can serve you, the members. I would also love to hear about occupational therapy practice in your region, your area of practice and interests, and the great things happening in your community.
Originally posted July 15, 2012