Sunday, June 26, 2016

Change and Transition into the Future

As my second term as your OTAC President comes to a close, I can look back and see what an amazing 4 years this has been. OTAC has experienced growth on many levels and during this fiscal year, your 2015-2016 OTAC leaders and staff have worked diligently to bring you a range of regional activities (e.g., networking, town hall, meet & greets, legislative updates and receptions, educational events) across the state. (See my article in the March 2016 issue of the OTAC newsletter for more on OTAC activities and other information, posted on the OTAC website - under Publications.)
2015 - 2016 Board and Committee Chairs
I also want to acknowledge the board members and committee chairs who served during the prior 3 fiscal years (2012 - 2015) of my terms as president, and thank them for their participation and leadership.

The 2016-2017 Board & Committee Chairs (all not pictured)
The incoming 2016 - 2017 leadership team is eager and ready to build on this momentum and move OTAC forward beyond 2017 with its new strategic plan and priority action areas of Value and Advocacy. We can look forward to implementation of ideas for OTAC to continue building its resources, services, and tools for members; promoting and increasing public and stakeholder awareness of the distinct value of occupational therapy; developing collaborative relationships with key entities; engaging members in advocacy activities; and continuing advocacy efforts on key initiatives (e.g., in mental health, school-based OT practice) and ongoing monitoring of legislative, regulatory, scope of practice, and reimbursement issues this next fiscal year.

It's an exciting time for the Association. OTAC has a new Strategic Plan; we are celebrating OTAC's 40th Anniversary, with special festivities planned for our Annual Conference in Pasadena; and the OT Centennial float will be presented at the 2017 Tournament of Roses® Parade! Don't miss out on the opportunity to part of the action.

OTAC works on your behalf and we have accomplished much through your support as members. I thank you for the honor and privilege to serve as your president. As a long-time member and volunteer, I will continue to serve and support OTAC in other capacities. We can anticipate great things to happen for OTAC; for you, the members, and for further advancement of the profession of occupational therapy in California. I hope to see you at #OTACconf2016 in Pasadena! #OTACturns40